To schedule appointments or speak to a receptionist please call (916)782-2229 Option 2 during office hours Monday – Thursday, 8:30 – 4:45 pm and Fridays, 8:30 – 3:30 pm. After business hours you will be connected to our answering service.
Our Fax number is (916) 797-9414
Secure Message Portal
To send a secure health information message to your care team please use our secure portal: If you do not hear from us within the next 72 business hours using this secure portal, please call us during our office hours
Please use this form to send a non-urgent email message to the front desk at Associates In Women’s Health Care. Please do not enter any personal healthcare information into our contact form. This is a standard communication email, not secure for personal healthcare information or timely messaging needs. We will make every effort to contact you during our office hours. If you do not hear from us within the next 72 business hours using this email format, please call us during our office hours.